Balance Hormones, Naturally
There’s a lot of talk about hormones these days, and for good reason. They’re a vitally important piece of the puzzle when it comes to our overall health and feeling our best.
Let’s break down what hormones are, including looking at our 3-main sex hormones (that are responsible for so much more than reproduction!), then we’ll chat about how to bring them back into balance, naturally.
Hormones are messengers in the body. They literally take ‘a message’ from one area of the body and deliver to another area. Think of them like the postman - he collects a letter from the postal depot, (this is the spot where the hormone is produced) and he drives along the road (our hormones travel in the bloodstream) and delivers it to the right address (this where the hormone has it’s action). For example - progesterone is produced in the ovaries, but travels through the body but is ‘delivered’ all over the body.
Hormones are constantly being produced, travelling around the body and stimulating a cascade of effects. This all happens automatically, without us having to think about it. It’s a complex system, and especially when it comes to women’s sex hormones, can easily be thrown out of balance.
Tell me more about our sex hormones!
A hormone that is naturally present in much higher levels in women, but men still have some. It’s the main hormone that gives women their [traditionally] feminine features - think soft skin, curves and chattiness/sociabiliity. For women, it’s main function when it comes to the reproduction is stimulating the growth of the nutrient-rich cushion (endometrial tissue) which lines the uterus each month in preparation for a baby.
Another hormone mainly present in women, (found in VERY low amounts in men) - it’s a nurturing and calming hormone (and ironically even most women don’t have enough of it, but more on that later!). In terms of reproduction, after ovulation occurs, it’s responsible for holding that life-giving cushion in place to allow a fertilised egg to make it’s home there. (So adequate progesterone is very important for fertility.)
Testosterone is present in both men and women - but much higher levels in men. Testosterone has many different effects - stimulates hair growth (on body), makes it easier to build muscle and contributes to our motivation and drive. Amongst other functions, testosterone gives women (and men) their libido as well as stimulating follicles (the precursor to eggs).
Why are hormones important?
As I mentioned, our hormones have a vital role in reproduction - they help make possible the incredible feat that allows a women to be able to grow a little human inside them!
But on top of reproduction (it’s not all about babies!), hormones are important for how we feel on a daily basis, how we relate to the people we’re close with, and how we show up in our workplace (i.e. all aspects of our life!).
When the complex interplay of oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone get a little out of tune - it can result in all sorts of symptoms. Depending on which lifestage you’re at - these will look different.
Do you experience any of the following?
Fatigue or feeling tired through out the day
Brain fog
Irritability and being short with those around us
Heavy painful periods, cramping
PMS - food cravings, moodiness, bloating, headaches, migraines
Struggling to lose weight/stubborn weight gain
Stuggling to conceive
Low libido, dryness or pain during sex
Hot flashes and insomnia
SIDE NOTE - I invite you to get curious about your body. Use your symptoms as important messages that the body is trying to tell you. Heavy periods? Can’t get out of bed? These are all things you should take note of and talk to a qualified health practitioner about. (Sometimes these sorts of things are beyond the scope of your local GP but there is definitely a time and place for going to the doctor. More on that later).
WHY do our hormones get out of balance and what can we do about it?
Congested Liver
Our liver works very hard for us - detoxifying external toxins, our own hormones, as well as a whole lot molecules - all day every day!
It’s well established that there are some common chemicals used in everyday products that are interfering with our hormones, particularly our estrogen receptors, in the body. Pesticides, BPA, triclosan, phylates, PCPs amongst others, are compounds that seem to mimic estrogen in the body, causing massive downstream effects. They’re found in everything from skincare, shampoo, plastics and in our food.
TIP ONE for balancing hormones - reduce toxin exposure and increase liver loving foods
The first step to balance your hormones naturally is to use glass wherever possible, avoid plastic food containers and drink bottles etc., go organic when it comes to food, and use natural skin + hair care. Coconut oil - for example is a great natural face oil.
Liver loving foods include;
Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables contain high amounts of sulforaphane which is an incredible molecule that supercharges the liver.
Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, kale and watercress are cruciferous veges
Green tea
Garlic and onion
We talk a lot about ‘stress’ but we don’t really understad the full extent to which it’s impacting our health! Our body deals with a LOT of stress on a daily basis. Not just emotional stress (deadlines, family, work) but also physiological stress (toxins like those above, nutrient deficiencies, unstable blood sugars). Stress in particular causes our body to forfeit making our calming progesterone in order to make more stress hormones.... Less progesterone results in PMS, heavy painful periods, and issues with fertility.
Although you may not feel ‘stressed’ there’s actually a whole lot of stress occurring at the subconscious level that your nervous system is responding to.
For my clients, it’s important that they do one thing everyday that helps to manage stress (and emotions) in the body. It’ll look different for everyone so find a practice that suits you.
TIP TWO for balancing hormones - incorporate a stress management practice daily.
Yin yoga
Yoga nidra
Taking a bath (with epsom salts)
Float tank
Breathing exercise
Walking in nature without your phone
Unstable blood sugar levels
Our blood sugar levels respond to every snack, meal and food that we eat - a snack or meal can either SPIKE our blood sugars or help STABILISE. For my clients, (and I think this extends to most people in general)they are eating too many carbohydrates which SPIKE blood sugars, and not enough good quality fats and protein, which are good stabilisers.
Tip 3 for balancing hormones - include a good quality protein and fat at every meal + snack!
Here’s some ideas on how to add more protein to you breakfast and lunch (we’re generally pretty good with dinner!).
Eggs for breakfast!
Avocado on everything
Peanut butter, coconut cream, LSA and/or flaxseed oil to smoothies
Have hot smoked salmon or salami in the fridge for emergency snacks/lunch
Make bliss balls with protein powder to have in the cupboard (I've got a good recipe for these just maybe too much to share in article ? Maybe next time?)
Nutrient Deficiencies
Vitamins and minerals are very small molecules found in our food that are required for our body to fucntion - so of course, they’re required for hormone production. Many of us are very nutrient deficient without realising (and these nutrients are also hard to test for!).
Tip 4 for balancing hormones - boost magnesium levels in the body
Ensure you have plenty of the below foods in your diet daily to get sufficient magnesium
Leafy green vegetables
Almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds
Quinoa and brown rice
Consider a good quality supplement - look for a magnesium biglycinate - not citrate or oxide! This is especially good idea if you struggle with sleep - take it 30mins before bed.
There’s a LOT to cover when it comes to hormones and here I’ve just scrated the surface. If you struggle with any of the above symptoms I recommend you talk to a professional - a holistic nutritionist or naturopath will be able to provide personalised guidance. If any of the above symptoms are severe i.e. bad enough that they are causing you to miss work, or not be able to participate in life at all - go to your GP.
If you’re struggling with any of the hormones imbalance symptoms that are above - reach out to Laura for a chat.
She’ll talk you through her thoughts for the best way to find balance in your hormones, which may include functional testing and specific protocols.