2023 - How do you want to show up this year?
We’re officially well into 2023.
I have no doubt that by this point in mid January you’ve been bombarded with messages of ‘New Year, New You’.
I’m not here to add to that, ~ but ~ there’s a little bit of me that wants to harness the energy and motivation of this time of the year.
(It’s fkn hard to change our behaviour so let’s make the most of every bit of drive and motivation).
This blog post takes you through a reframing of a typical New Years resolution.
Instead of trying to stick with a habit (that can sometimes be random and arbitrary), let’s think about how we want to move through this one beautiful life of ours.
How do you want to show up this year to your family, friends and colleagues?
Let’s begin by thinking about a few words that you would be STOKED if they used to them to describe you? How do you want to make those around you FEEL?
Here’s what I came up with that might resonate ->
From these words, I’ll then work backwards to decide what behaviours, habits, food and exercise is going to support me in emulating these words.
Any daily/weekly habits or behaviours that I decide to commit to are driven by the person I want to be, by the way I want to show up, and therefore by the world I want to live in.
I’m not just committing to go to bed earlier because a podcast told me it was a good idea, or I read a book. I’m going to bed earlier because it supports me to show up as an energetic and inspiring person and it fits the identity I believe myself to be.
Then with ANY decision (big or small!), I can ask myself what will help me emulate these words better and more fully?
Choosing to go to bed at 10pm rather that watching another Netflix episode is going to support me in being ‘energetic’
Showing up on social media will help me inspire
Making a coffee in the morning for Ted shows kindness
Ok so that’s me, and my examples - now it’s your turn.
I’d love to hear from you (especially my clients! I’ll be asking in your next session anyway…!) about what words you’d love to be described by this year? Send me an email laura_hett@icloud.com or send me a message on Instagram
For anyone who’s interested, feel free to book in a free phone chat to dive a bit deeper into WHO you want to be this year and HOW we can make that happen!
This idea is a bit of a spin on a concept I learnt from James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits. The podcast interview between him and Peter Attia is a great summary of his book and contains really good tips to support any new habits you are thinking about bringing in for 2023. Check it out here.